17 - 19 June 2025

11 AM - 7 PM

Egypt International Exhibition Center (EIEC)

Insights from our winner for Commercial Project of the Year 2022


In today's competitive business landscape, companies and individuals are constantly searching for ways to stand out from the crowd. One effective strategy that often gets overlooked is entering industry awards. Awards not only provide recognition for exceptional achievements but also offer a host of other benefits that can positively impact your business.

To shed light on the importance of entering awards, we had the opportunity to interview Design Dialogue an industry-leading architecture, landscape, and interior design firm that won the prestigious Commercial Project of the Year Award at Big 5 Egypt Impact Awards 2022. Their experience and insights highlight why participating in awards can be a game-changer for businesses of all sizes and sectors.


What motivated your company to enter the award?

We were excited to share our work renovating the EGMED building in Heliopolis. In scale and scope, it was the largest project the company had taken on and completed. We were proud of the outcome, with a satisfied client and successful roll-out. At the same time, we have a policy not to take part in any design contests that require an entry fee. Big 5 Egypt Impact Awards had a category that was a perfect fit for our project, and we made the decision to apply.


How has winning the award impacted your business?

Design Dialogue is a boutique architecture and interior design studio, with less than 10 designers at the time. To compete with major players in the industry and win was huge for us, boosting team morale and instilling a sense of pride in every single team member.

What specific benefits have your company seen as a result of winning the award?

Recognition naturally enhances credibility. Architecture and Interior design are industries where the primary source of new business is referrals and word of mouth. The investment in a project is substantial, a major undertaking to correct if miscast, not to be risked on a whim or in response to an ad. Clients need to see a valid track record, proof of knowledge, expertise, and the ability to deliver the results they seek. Winning the award, selected by a jury of industry experts, was another way Design Dialogue solidified its position as a reliable design partner.


How have you leveraged the award to improve your marketing and sales efforts?

We consistently mention the award when presenting our portfolio and work, especially renovations and/or office and commercial projects. We are continuously evolving our marketing approach as a design studio, seeking innovative ways to engage with our target market.


What advice would you give to other companies/individuals considering entering
the awards?

I would encourage them to go ahead and enter their projects. In my experience, it’s a fair competition, with an opportunity for interesting projects to be recognized. It's an open and equitable platform, not dominated by major players as one might worry. The chance is there, and they just might win like we did!